Head of the Baltics and Finland- Ardo Mardisoo

“It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.”
This quote is a perfect representation of our Head of the Baltics and Finland — Ardo Mardisoo. His ‘contagious’ Sales adventures kicked off in the role as an Auditor Assistant. He studied Marketing in Estonia and in the US. Once, he took the Auditor Assistant job, he continually put forth effort to like the role, but eventually realised that it was not what he really enjoys doing. So, he started to look around and seek a role that offered more qualitative interactions with people with the aim to help counterparts from the sales and marketing perspective.
“Ardo is a celebrity. Everyone knows him. He is the phonebook on our Baltics and Finnish markets, he is the face of Funderbeam. But at the same time humble and down to earth. A friend, father, singer and leader in Funderbeam.”
Kaidi Ruusalepp, Founder and CEO
Ardo’s magnificent melody continued in the Marketing Manager song for 7 years in the company called Microlink. He says, that: “for me, Marketing has always been an unseparated department where Marketing and Sales go together — each helps to support the other one. Realising that, I was able to take the Sales Manager role and since then, I have always been in Sales.”
Ardo joined Funderteam over 5 years ago. He was acquainted with the CEO and other team members, and noticed a Sales Manager job opening. He was asked whether he knew anyone interested to join and he offered himself for the role. Everything spun off from there. He enjoys working with the team and in the financial innovation field. Investment liquidity is not something he faced before in his career, but he felt interested and risked to learn more about it.
“The most fair person I know.”
Catriin Leiman-Ots, HR Manager
Question: “You have been working with big companies before, right? How did it feel to dive into a different area and scope? What has been the biggest difference?”
Ardo: “The biggest difference is that most clients are startups/early stage companies. Their processes have not yet been developed. The other notable thing is the energy and passion behind the people. Actually, some years back, I didn’t notice so many entrepreneurs, while at the moment you can see the change. You notice innovative and energetic young entrepreneurs — which is fantastic!”
One of the valuable things Ardo sees in Funderbeam is the Team he is working with. Multicultural and smart people — a perfect framework of the working environment! One of the proudest moments for him has been realising Funderbeam adding value to the companies. One of our successful fundraising campaigns Ampler Bikes brought fantastic feelings to Ardo. It was not just about closing the deal, but the whole realisation that Funderbeam creates liquidity for desired target groups — companies and investors.
“First of all — he is a wonderful person. Looking from the South perspective, he is a rational and positive being; while looking from the North glance — he is full of life and warm. Just the right mix of qualities for someone to spend time professionally and privately.
Damir Bicanic, Head of SEE
Ardo greatly contributes to the team with his experience. He has seen it all: struggles and hardships in life have made him calm and non-overactive; which are good traits of a team member that should help others. One word to describe Ardo would be ‘Music’. On his days off, his favorite thing to do is to exercise creativity via music. Ardo also enjoys time in nature and hopes to open a woodworking workshop in the near future.
“Ardo is highly-motivated, dedicated and committed. He builds great relationships with companies and broadens the commercial world. He understands companies and speaks their language which pays dividends. Ardo’s tenaciousness and drive are great assets to Funderbeam and its vision!”
Linda Whittle, Chief Legal Officer
Ardo encourages you to check out the podcast called “Waking Up With Sam Harris” and Sam Harris podcast.
When we asked about his favourite songs, we weren’t surprised that the list was very long. Here are some of the songs Ardo shared with us.
Some Estonian pearls:
And as he said, he has a true lover of Depeche Mode. One of his favourites…
“Ardo always has a positive attitude, he does everything with great passion and love!”
Riho Õll, Senior Developer
More about Funderbeam: www.funderbeam.com
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