Press release: Three Estonian schools to pilot Icelandic startup’s digital learning solution

Last corona year gave a successful push to Mussila, an education technology company from Iceland that offers digital music learning solution to pupils and schools. Three local schools are the first ones in Estonia to implement Mussila’s Music School in their next academic year.
The company has developed Mussila Music School, a music learning solution for children aged 6 to 12 that applies research-based music education methodology to gamified adventures. The solution overcomes traditional and non-theory “learning by doing” methods by including music theory content from an early age while tackling the lack of motivation to apply the gaming method to theory teaching.
Tallinna Järveotsa Gümnaasium, Kilingi-Nõmme Gümnaasium and Avatud Kool are participating in the pilot project who’ll test the solution in music classes or school’s hobby group. “We’re always open to different learning solutions and tools that give value to our children and teachers. This pandemic year has proved how helpful various digital solutions can be if they are comprehensive and easy to use and understand,” said Siret Paasmäe, the School Principal of Tallinna Järveotsa Gümnaasium. “Mussila’s concept is based on research and technology that uses gamification elements for studying music or musical instruments. We, with our teachers, believe that learning in an entertaining way simplifies keeping children’s attention and makes music or instrument studies more effective.”
In 2017, when the company had recently started, being active only for two years, they conducted research among 120 Estonian children over a three week period to test Mussila’s educational value. In the first group, 60 pupils had their regular music lessons, and in the second group, the other 60 used Mussila’s platform. Before and after the experiment, pupils took a music theory test where Mussila’s group scored 20% higher than the first group.
Education technology company Mussila is currently raising capital on Funderbeam to expand its product range and scale the award-winning musical app across the world. According to the CEO of Mussila, Jon Gunnar Thordarson, the product is mature for scaling. “By 2021, we have developed a gamified app with a subscription model and a multi-user cloud for teachers and families. This feature enables remote learning and an accessible oversight. In the near future, we see an opportunity to further utilizing our tech stack in new EdTech products. In 2020 we managed to grow our user base and establish a regular subscriber pool of 2000+ paying subscribers per month without significant marketing costs. This gives us the reason to believe that the product is ready to enter the scaling phase and amplify our growth with targeted marketing campaigns in North America and Europe,” Thordarson explained.
The core team of Mussila combines the expertise from the music industry and education with business executives and tech engineers. Mussila has received multiple awards, among others: Nordic EdTech Award (2019), Academic Choice Award (2020), and Mom’s Choice Award (2021).
Read more about Mussila’s investment opportunity.
Additional information:
Jon Gunnar Thordarson | CEO of Mussila | (+354) 8975624