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What are company updates on Funderbeam?

Many companies on Funderbeam are raising consecutive rounds to support the expansion, new product launches, and operations of the company. Keeping investors informed is important and it can also work to your advantage by turning your investors into your ambassadors. 

Types of updates worth posting:

  • Awards – winning an award in your industry.
  • Market expansions – news about further geographical expansions.
  • Product launches – plans or news about new product launches.
  • Funding updates – information about new funding rounds.
  • Partnerships.
  • Investor Events – events that companies organise for the investor base as part of their marketing efforts.
  • Government updates in regard to the industry your business operates in.
  • Recruiting – your investor base can help you with finding new talent using their own network.
  • Branding changes.
  • Bad news – sharing bad news with your investors is not only fair and transparent but can mobilise your investor community and turn them into a source of help.

What are the information disclosure guidelines for issuers?

In order to ensure the fair, orderly and transparent functioning of the Marketplace, an Issuer is responsible for:

  • Disclosing regular updates on the results and operations of the Issuer.
  • Disclosing other material information which relates, directly or indirectly, to the Issuer or relevant Investment(s), and which would reasonably be considered likely to have a material impact on the price(s) of those Investments.

In the principles of treating investors fairly, and to enable a transparent trading exchange platform where all investors are trading on information equality, Funderbeam has promoted a policy of 100% transparency by companies in their updates/reports to investors.

We hope that the following can provide clarity to companies on the information disclosure guidelines as well as provide guidance on what actions to take in certain scenarios.

In any circumstances where there is doubt or confusion on whether specific information is required to be disclosed, or ahead of certain events, we encourage companies to reach out to your friendly Funderbeam Account Managers who will be best placed to provide guidance and clarity.

In order to ensure the fair, orderly and transparent functioning of the Marketplace, an Issuer is responsible for:

  • disclosing regular updates on the results and operations of the Issuer;
  • disclosing other material information which relates, directly or indirectly, to the Issuer or relevant Investment(s), and which would reasonably be considered likely to have a material impact on the price(s) of those Investments.

General obligations

An Issuer must ensure that all the information made available on the Marketplace is fair, clear, and not misleading, and is made available in a timely manner to all Investors.

The information must allow a reasonable investor to determine the potential impact of an event or circumstances on the Issuer, or on the Investment price.
An Issuer must take reasonable care to ensure that any information it discloses is not misleading, false, or deceptive and does not omit anything likely to affect the importance of the information.

Funderbeam has the right, at any time, to require an Issuer to publish such information in such form and within such time limits as it considers appropriate to protect Investors or to ensure the smooth operation of the Marketplace. Issuers must provide their comments and additional information without delay.

Regular updates

An Issuer must regularly disclose updated information on its KPIs. Funderbeam and each Issuer will separately agree on, and disclose, the KPIs which are relevant and material in measuring the performance and success of an Issuer.

An Issuer must provide an update either on a monthly or a quarterly basis within 4 weeks of the end of the respective reporting period. The sequence of regular reporting by an Issuer will be determined together with the admission to trading of relevant Investments.

Financial statements

An Issuer must disclose its annual report by the earlier of 4 months after the end of its financial year or the date by which filing of accounts is required by the relevant government authority applicable to an Issuer.

Ad hoc disclosure

An Issuer must immediately report and publish any information that has or may have a material impact on an Issuer and consequently on the Investment price.
Material information which potentially affects an Issuer or an Investment price is specific to each Issuer. Directors of each Issuer must take reasonable care to identify all such events and circumstances that may potentially materially affect an Issuer, its operations, its assets, and its financial position.

Examples of such events and circumstances:

  • Significant events in the operation of the Issuer, e.g. material client agreement signed or terminated, entering a new market(s);
  • Fundraising – related information upon completion of the fundraising, e.g., valuation, dilution;
  • Changes in key staff members;
  • Changes in the business model, e.g. an Issuer determines to launch a new business line, pivot to a new product or service;
  • Material corporate events, e.g. dividends, changes in share capital;
  • Significant changes in rights attached to Issuer shares or other securities relevant for investors;
  • Acquisitions or mergers or other types of corporate restructurings;
  • Regulatory proceedings against the Issuer or Directors;
  • Litigation or arbitration proceedings initiated against or by the Issuer or any of its significant subsidiaries;
  • Bankruptcy or dissolution proceedings initiated regarding an Issuer or its significant subsidiary.

The issuer may be required to clarify or confirm a market rumor or information that is being disseminated that the Issuer knows to be false.

Directors’ Transactions


Directors and other key staff members of an Issuer inevitably have immediate and direct access to the operations and financial condition of an Issuer, as well as a strong understanding and grasp of the overall development of, and market for, a business. It is important for the fair functioning of the Marketplace that there be transparency in their transactions in Investments.

Obligation to report

An Issuer must have in place, and maintain, an updated list of directors, other key staff members and/or any persons connected to the Issuer (with access to inside information) (“Insider List”). The Issuer will provide Funderbeam with a copy of the Insider List, and will notify Funderbeam of any change to the Insider List within 3 days of the change becoming effective. The Issuer will also notify Funderbeam of any prohibited periods where inside information may be available and therefore there is a possibility of insider trading.


Q: The company has met with some prominent investors and wants to disclose to this group of investors confidential information relating to a potential round of fundraising and the tentative valuation. Is this acceptable?

A: The company should ensure that all information is disclosed to all investors in order to avoid potential insider trading if there are investors who trade on the basis of confidential information. Alternatively, the company can apply to Funderbeam to suspend the trading when it has determined that confidential and/or price-sensitive information will be disclosed to some investors at private events, etc. Failure to do may result in investors with privileged information engaging in insider trading, which is prohibited market conduct in multiple jurisdictions, and may result in regulatory actions against the company and/or the insiders.


Q: The company has raised an amount that is far lower than its expected valuation. The company wishes to disclose the information only to certain investors to avoid negative publicity. Is this acceptable?

A: The company has to disclose the information fairly to all investors on the Funderbeam platform or apply to Funderbeam to suspend trading. Failure to do may result in investors with privileged information engaging in insider trading, which is prohibited market conduct in multiple jurisdictions, and may result in regulatory actions against the company and/or the insiders.


Q: The company wishes to selectively disclose certain information to specific large investors in order to boost their fundraising take-up. The information is not intended to be disclosed on the Funderbeam platform. Is this acceptable?

A: The company has to disclose the information fairly to all investors on the Funderbeam platform or apply to Funderbeam to suspend trading. Failure to do may result in investors with privileged information engaging in insider trading, which is prohibited market conduct in multiple jurisdictions, and may result in regulatory actions against the company and/or the insiders.


Q: The company has shared information with some investors at a private event. Should trading be suspended before the information is disclosed?

A: The company has to disclose the information fairly to all investors on the Funderbeam platform or apply to Funderbeam to suspend trading before the event. Failure to do may result in investors with privileged information engaging in insider trading, which is prohibited market conduct in multiple jurisdictions, and may result in regulatory actions against the company and/or the insiders.


Q: The company has new information to enhance the appeal of its new investment offer and intends to disseminate the information only to new investors. Is this acceptable?

A: The company has to disclose the information fairly to all investors on the Funderbeam platform or apply to Funderbeam to suspend trading before the event. Failure to do may result in investors with privileged information engaging in insider trading, which is prohibited market conduct in multiple jurisdictions, and may result in regulatory actions against the company and/or the insiders.


Q: The company has disclosed inaccurate price-sensitive information to some investors at a private event. How should the company manage the impact?

A: The company should have made the disclosure on the Funderbeam platform in the principle of treating all investors fairly, or applied to Funderbeam to suspend trading before disclosing the information. If the relevant investors had traded on the basis of inaccurate information, this would be seen as insider trading and both the company and/or the relevant investors may be subject to regulatory actions. The offense of insider trading will still be applied even if the price-sensitive information is inaccurate.

The impact of the inaccurate information would be mitigated if the trading had been suspended, allowing time for the company to correct the information. If the information was posted publicly on the Funderbeam platform for all investors, the company would only need to make a clarification update to the announcement. There would not be any element of prohibited market conduct such as insider trading, which could negatively impact the company and/or the investors.

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The information about the investment opportunities profiled on this website is provided for general information and marketing purposes only and should not be considered an invitation or inducement to engage in any investment activity. Complete and comprehensive information about an investment opportunity is only available only to investors who have been approved by a Funderbeam group entity.

You should ensure you carefully read the Risk Disclosure Statement before deciding to proceed with any investment or transaction, including making a purchase of securities via the Marketplace. Funderbeam has taken steps to ensure that company and securities offering information is clear, fair and not misleading in accordance with its internal verification procedures. Funderbeam does not provide investment advice or any recommendation to invest. Any investment opportunity on this website should not be considered as an offer to the public and is not directed at or offered to anyone to whom it may not be so directed or offered, or located in a jurisdiction where it is unlawful to do so.

It is important to note that funds are raised, investments are made and trade orders are placed through three investment firm service provider entities: Venturebeam Markets AS (VBAS) (authorised and regulated by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority under permit 4.1-1/212), Venturebeam Markets Limited (VML (authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority under FRN 794918), and Venturebeam Markets Pte. Ltd., (VB Pte) (licensed and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore under Capital Markets Services (CMS) license CMS100863). VBAS and VML are MIFID investment firms.

This page provides you with an overview of the services provided by different entities belonging to Funderbeam group. In the pages of this website, platform, and documents located on these pages (save to where referred otherwise), we generally refer to the group, which includes group of entities being direct or indirect subsidiaries of Funderbeam Ltd, including VBAS, VML, and VB Pte, as “Funderbeam”, “we”, “us” or “our”.

A Funderbeam client (whether investor or company) is a client of the service provider and under the protection of the requirements of the regulator under which that service provider operates: An EEA client’s service provider is VBAS, a UK/ non-EEA/ non-Singapore client’s service provider is VML, and a Singapore client’s service provider is VB Pte.

The applicable Funderbeam service provider has, prior to the offering of the investment offer on its Platform, verified from public registries in reasonable levels of due diligence, notwithstanding the due diligence which is also performed by the Lead Investor where applicable, which will cover at the minimum: a. that the project owner has no criminal record in respect of infringements of national rules in fields of commercial law, insolvency law, financial services law, anti-money laundering law, fraud law or professional liability obligations in all jurisdictions where practicable for such checks to be conducted; b. that the project owner is not established in a non-cooperative jurisdiction, or in a high-risk third country as set out by the Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”), and/or other government directives in jurisdictions where Venturebeam is operating.

The Marketplace is operated as an organised market by VB Pte., in Singapore as a Recognised Market Operator (RMO) under the supervision of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. VBAS and VML are Trading Members of the RMO’s Marketplace. Access to the Marketplace for EEA and non-EEA clients is only provided by and through such clients’ service provider (ie VBAS or VML). The Marketplace does not provide services directly to investors outside Singapore.

With respect to any securities or investments offered by a US domiciled Fundraising Company, by visiting this site you confirm you are not a US resident or US person (as defined in Regulation S of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933) and you understand and agree that you are not acquiring any Investments for the account or benefit of any such US resident or US person. No investment opportunity in a US domiciled Fundraising Company is directed at US persons.